miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Rio de Janeiro english

Music in Rio 

Each country has a different characteristic on the same idea: a festival of celebration, costumes and parades. Brazil has some of the most famous, such as Rio de Janeiro and Salvador.

In the samba schools of Rio de Janeiro (clusters 200 musicians and 100 dancers at least 5-8 floats, totaling over 3,000 people), they have to walk for a minimum of 65 minutes and a maximum of 80.

For this, we have prepared a special room, the "Sambadrome". In it we find huge bleachers to accommodate tourists, 85,000 in number, fill out every night these facilities.

The instruments used are: Cuica, Agogo, pandeiro, shine, Surdo and various drums.

Cuica: Membranophone with a bamboo stick on the bottom. By stretching the stick changes the sound. We can change the sound by pressing the upper patch. Their sound is very characteristic.

Agogô: jingles of two or three set differently.

Pandeiro: tambourine that can change its height by pressing the patch.

Ring or repinique: cylindrical drum.

Surdo: large drum.

Together in a batucada.


Urban Tribes 

There are many people who have a good financial situation are the "rich kids", they are middle class também alta.

Tem poor.

Existem as the tribes of the music genre, rockers (who listen to rock), shirkers (who hear carioca) funk, to all those who love the backcountry.


The main problem in Rio is the social inequality.

There are many more poor people than "rich" people, beggars are in large part of river or if not in all places. Other problems are the thefts and assaults that are consequently inequality. Many people living in favelas, and these favelas are home to bandits.

The city of Rio has never had more round than now. Because the Government created a system to pacify the community. The method is that in every favela is a group of police officers guarded all the time but in doing so, offenders were afraid and went to the "rich" districts and began to have many more thefts and murders.


Rio does not have many environmental activities, but there is the Recicloteca, is a place where the garbage in the transformed role, shirts among others ...
And also selective garbage collection that has almost all River which is the normal garbage collection.

There is also a system of native forests protected in Rio.